Wednesday 15 August 2012

Brushing your teeth on the toilet REVIEWED

It was a post-Tap Tuesday morning and hearing relatives were on their way to the house for lunch after just waking up had left with a need to shave valuable minutes off of my self un-stinking routine.


Darn my clockwork body! As is usual for me in the morning, I needed to poo. On my short journey to the bathroom I grappled with the mammoth task at hand. Do I eradicate any of the essential tasks of pooing, teeth-brushing or showering, having already ousted shaving from my routine; or do I rush any of the above deeds and risk doing a shoddy job of all of them?

Then it hit me...combine them! I grabbed my toothbrush and placed myself on the throne.

All was going swimmingly. I brushed with a grin. I was already spending the three minutes I would save from my schedule. I almost set my alarm three minutes later.

...and then I hit the point of needing to concurrently spit and wipe. I won't go into details but I will say that it was an entirely awkward affair. Not only that, but when one reaches the point of needing to rinse their mouth out, they must first wash their hands with soap.

On reflection, I should have chosen to combine the shower and tooth-brushing tasks. How hindsight makes fools of us all.

I would give this idea 2 STARS OUT OF 5: doing this will save you perhaps a couple dozen seconds, but not enough time to really do anything else and you end up doing a poor job of each separate task.

NEXT WEEK: Brushing your teeth in the shower REVIEWED